Wednesday, June 28

Summer Song 2006

Seems like every summer has its own song for me. This year it's "Over My Head" by The Fray. I don't know a whole lot about them other than that they are from Denver, but this song sends me everytime I hear it. I particularly like the rolling bassline. It's the perfect windows-down-in-the-car song, and if it's playing when I arrive at my destination, I just have to sit and let it finish before I get out of the car.

Here's the video for the song. The kid was well cast (I read he is the singer's little brother), and the storyline is one that we can all relate to - the awkwardness and trial of middle school. If you've got a few minutes, watch and enjoy a great summer song.

1 comment:

s. said...

do you listen to Keane? i think you'd like them. "over my head" was a free download on iTunes; I think that helped the popularity of the song a lot.