Monday, July 10

Happy Birthday, Kris

Happy, happy birthday, Kris!

Here's a shot of her from 1991 that I was especially proud of taking:

Here she is in another lifetime (the 1980's):

Brad said I'd be in trouble for posting these, but I couldn't resist.

My favorite thing about Kris: she doesn't judge me. If I had any secrets, she'd probably know them. Here we are at my college graduation in 1995:

Here we are last month at Kaleidoscope, where she sang and played guitar for the chorus line's "Thank God I'm a Country Girl" number.

I'm so glad to count you among my closest friends!


Anonymous said...

yay! i love kris! happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an honor! I finally checked my email, and what did I find? Holy Bovine!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a sunshine-filled greeting!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Kris!! So glad you are back in the area!!
