Wednesday, July 19

Test Drive

There's a saying in my family: "Once you start cruising the car lots, you're going to buy a car." Let's see if that holds true.

We drove a 2003 Mini Cooper S at a local car dealer today. It looks a lot like the one above, and it's fun! I've always loved these cars, and who better to own a tiny little car than a short family? It's a 6-speed manual transmission, and it's got real get-up-and-go. Even in 4th gear, it jumped when I punched it down.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it would be so much less practical than my 1996 Subaru Outback. It has a very small cargo area (probably wouldn't transport two giant bags of poms), and we really don't need another car payment. Besides, we'd have to figure in the cost of additional speeding tickets.

We aren't in the market for a different car, but I heard a radio ad that said they had it. I doubt we'll buy it, but it's fun to think about.

1 comment:

The Chasing Mom said...

Think of all the room you'd have in your garage. You could probably buy two & still have room.