Thursday, October 26


[Sorry for all the inside jokes in this entry, but Shari and Dawn are two of my primary readers. I don't mean to be rude or exclusive, but this one's really for them.]

Shari and her landlord, Dawn, were in Bismarck last weekend. How nice it was to see them! We exchanged recipes and tossed back a few margaritas. Well, Dawn and I did, anyway. Shari was sipping something sophisticated and amber-colored while Brad dozed in and out on the couch. ("Kabobs!")

We were honored that they chose to spend an entire evening with us.

Dylan was thrilled to have someone with whom he could play two-player Lego Star Wars, and Shari, being the video game junkie that she is, happily obliged.

Shari-we've come so far from the days of Mr. Bubble. Hurry back now, y'hear?


Anonymous said...

"shari and her landlord" - that made me laugh out loud! and don't you forget it, shari! :)

how fabulous to see you all again. marvelous conversation, abundant laughter and delicious tequila.

my many thanks...

Anonymous said...

what a grand time. i think one of these days we're going to have to have a girls weekend in fargo. what do you think? one evening just isn't enough time...

good to see you, my friend.