Saturday, October 28


Tonight was the Spooghetti Supper at Northridge. It's a big fundraiser for the PTO, and since the kids can no longer wear their costumes to school on Halloween, it's their opportunity to show off their costumes for their friends. We brought along lots of family members, for a total of 10 in our party.

This year the boys went as Harry Potter and a little wizard. Dylan had been growing his hair out, so that worked right into his costume. Everyone was amazed at how much he resembled the character.

Connor was supposed to go as Harry Potter's owl, Hedwig, but the costume I ordered online NEVER ARRIVED. He was devastated at first, but after I found this wizard costume, he felt much better


Anonymous said...

they look fantastic! just like the real deal.

Anonymous said...

they look great!!! too bad about the hedwig costume, but connor's a very convincing wizard! (did you take dylan's photo next to the potter political sign??) you look great, boys!

Anonymous said...

Great costumes! Connor is about the cutest wizard I've ever seen, and Dylan looks JUST like the REAL Harry Potter!