Thursday, December 14

For The Birds

Dylan's Cub Scout den is working toward their Wolf badges. One of the requirements is woodworking, so they made bird houses at last week's den meeting. The plans called for the whole thing to be constructed from a singe pine board, and they got to use several methods of construction, including using a measuring tape, saw, drill, hammer, and screwdriver. The boys had a really good time, as thir faces show in the photo with their finished products. Dylan is looking forward to painting it and mounting it outside next spring.

He also earned another badge, the Bobcat badge, in which the boys learn the Cub Scout promise, salute, handshake and motto. His Cubmaster presented Dylan his Bobcat badge that night, too.

I'm so glad that Dylan enjoys scouting because it's something I have many fond memories of scouting myself.

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