Sunday, December 31

Snow Day

The snow finally came, starting last night and continuing even now as I write. Giant, fluffy flakes floated down by the bucketful, and we must have around 10 inches by now. To top it off, there was no wind, and it was just below freezing for most of the day - perfect snow day weather.

The kids played outside three separate times, although the last time Connor got a little too cold. His skin is so tender, and he's got no body fat for insulation. Hopefully tomorrow holds more of the same fun outside for them.

The downside is two-fold: First, with Brad out of town, the bulk of the shoveling fell to me. I'm kind of spoiled because he usually does the shoveling. Second, my parents were planning to leave yesterday morning for their first Snowbird trek. They have had to postpone their trip due to the huge storm that stretches from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico, right down the path they are taking. Here's the culprit:

After months, or even years, of planning and a sad good-bye on Thursday night, they are "stranded" in their own home. Even though they don't have to be anywhere by a certain time, it's still frustrating to be put off by forces beyond their control. On the bright side, at least it's given me a couple more days with them, and we've had time to try out our new video phone equipment.

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