Tuesday, January 23

Potter Addict

Dylan is REALLY into Harry Potter and loves reading the books. In fact, our whole family is enthralled by these stories. They are exciting and funny, and the characters are so vividly portrayed. The Parallel Potter Universe creeps into the boys' playtime and our family conversations every day.

Each book spans a year in the lives of the characters. As they are growing up, naturally, the content of the books is getting darker and more mature. Dylan just finished the fifth book, The Order of the Phoenix, and since he's got several other books he could be reading instead, I suggested he take a break from Harry for awhile and read some of those. "Are you joking?!" was his reply. So now he's on to the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

We recently watched, for the first time with the boys, the films based on the first three books. We skipped over a few of the scary images and scenes, but it's funny how kids view things. A couple days after watching the third one, Prisoner of Azkaban, Connor asked if there were any more Whomping Willows in the world.

The film version of Order of the Phoenix is set to be released in theaters July 13. Click here to watch the trailer. It looks great!


Anonymous said...

i nearly cried when dylan asked me to read Harry to him. that was a really great moment for me.

Anonymous said...

i join you all in being a "harry junkie." can't get enough of the books or the movies! i'm always sad when i reach the end.