Friday, April 20

Irene's French Exhitibion

My friend and mentor Irene Meltzer Richard has a photographic exhibit running from April 14-Ma 15 at Le Poulailler, a gallery in Lille, France. Titled "Apt. 615/Daily Views," it records a year of changes & staying the same from the window of her apartment in Manhattan's Upper West Side. I wish I could be there with her window shopping for shoes.

There are so many things I love about Irene, including things like this, which are so far from my usual experiences. I've learned so much from her, like how to live civilly, how to stir up some dust, how to bring art into everyday life, and how to stage a fight scene.

Click here to see the images on exhibit.

Click here to see images of her exhibit at the gallery. It's worth your time to check them out.

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