Saturday, April 8

Connor's Rough Weekend

This is a picture of Connor from today (Saturday). It's hard to believe that just two days ago, he was fine. Thursday night his asthma flared up pretty badly. We took him to the doctor on Friday morning, where they discovered he has pneumonia. He was admitted Friday at noon, and he'll likely have to stay in the hospital until Monday morning. They've got him on oxygen, IV fluids/antibiotics, and a SAT monitor. They've done numerous breathing treatments to get the asthma under control, 11 treatments on Friday alone, and another 6-8 today (Saturday).

He has charmed the pants off the staff, who can't believe that a four-year-old does his own breathing treatments so well and with no fight. It also helped that he wore his Spongebob Squarepants socks. Everybody loves them! The hard part now that he's feeling a little better is how to keep him entertained in bed.

Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geez...what a sad & sorry photo! You probably could use it to get whatever you want. Who could turn down a request from a kid who looks like that? Send it in to the Sponge Bob folks and ask "if the real Sponge Bob can come visit me in the hospital." Bingo. He'd probably materialize within hours.

On a more serious note (C sharp maybe), I'm glad to hear he's getting better! What a toughie that little guy is.
