Saturday, April 15

Family Cruisin'

I just finished watching All Aboard!, the documentary film of Rosie O'Donnell's week-long cruise for gay & lesbian families. It is overwhelming proof that homosexuals can make excellent parents. More than once, I was moved to tears by this movie, and I don't cry at movies anymore.

I especially liked the couple from New Jersey who opened their home to foster two children, Ray and Justin. When they were later going through the process of adopting the boys, they discovered Ray had two biological sisters, so they adopted them, too. Then the state called to say that Justin's mother was pregnant again, and would they take his sister, too. In all, these two men adopted five children who otherwise wouldn't have been a part of a real family. What an amazing story, and just look at their faces!

As a parent myself, I understand how difficult and rewarding parenthood can be. It's certainly the most important job I'll do in my lifetime. There is no reason why homosexuals should be prevented from becoming parents solely because of their sexuality when there are so many kids who just need stable homes and loving parents.

And don't get me started on gender-specific marriage laws...

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