Wednesday, April 26

Return to Form

Music has always been extremely important to me; however, ever since Dylan was born 7 1/2 years ago (yikes!), it has, rightfully so, taken a back seat to the rest of my life. Now that the boys are a little older and can get around on their own, dress themselves (mostly), and feed themselves, I am slowly gaining back several parts of my life that had fallen away. Time is a big one, which has allowed me to start this blog.

Music is another big one, and my new iPod has helped me reconnect with my music. We have tons of CDs, but it had gotten to the point where I wasn't interested in searching for a CD and putting it in the machine. Now, ALL my music is at my fingertips, and I'm rediscovering all this great music that I'd forgotten about: Alanis Morissette, Ani DiFranco, Beck, Big Head Todd & the Monsters, Emmylou Harris, Everclear, Foo Fighters, Indigo Girls, K's Choice, Liz Phair, Madonna, Melissa Etheridge, Pearl Jam, R.E.M., Sinead O'Connor, U2, just to name a few.

And I can't forget about The Best Band In The World: OASIS.

I'm so excited about music! Thank you, Steve Jobs, for helping me find myself again.


Anonymous said...

"Thank you, Bill Gates, for helping me find myself again."
please, please, please tell me this is a joke. you meant to say Steve Jobs, right? i'm just too sleepy to see the sarcasm in that, right? right? my heart is breaking.

Michele said...

Oops. You're right. I had a picture of Steve Jobs in my head when I wrote that, but the wrong name came out. How interesting. Sorry to break your heart. I'll fix it.