Friday, May 19

They're Coming!

Today's the day. Rachel, Darius, Tess and baby Josie arrive this afternoon for a very short visit to Bismarck. We're so excited and honored that they are coming out of their way (sort of) to see us.

Here's the story (Morning Glory): They have been living in Sudan, where they work in the field of international aid. They try to make it back to The States every year. Last year, our family traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska, when they were back. This year, Rachel's nephew, Taylor, graduates from high school in Redfield, South Dakota, so they are flying in to Bismarck and driving down to Redfield. Bismarck is their first stop after about 24 hours of traveling. From here they will go to Oregon, New Mexico, and Nebraska before returning to Africa. However, Darius is changing jobs, so they are going to Ethiopia instead.

Whew! My life is rather mundane and stationary here in Bismarck, so I like to say that I live vicariously through my globe-trotting friend Rachel. She's always been like that, too. I'm sure I'll be writing more about her after their visit. For now, I'm counting down the hours and minutes (2 & 44) until they get here.

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