Sunday, May 28

Old Home Week

I got a big surprise this morning when Shari showed up unannounced, as she usually does about once a year. Brad and I were sleeping late, if 9:45 a.m. can be called late, when the doorbell rang. He went to get it, and I paid no attention. Next thing I knew, Shari was diving into the bed for a big hug. How nice to see her! We talked for a little while and made plans to get together again in the evening, at which time I was going to take a picture of the two of us to post here.

Unfortunately, those plans fell through because of cheese buttons, and I was forced to go back and find the oldest picture I have of Shari (see above). That's Shari, Rachel, me, and Byron Velander (long story, maybe some other time) in November 1988.

I need to apologize to Rachel for posting a picture in which she looks so ridiculous. Not that the rest of us look any better, either. I promise to post a better one soon. In fact, I came across some really good old pictures that I hope to post in the near future. It was fun to go back to the old photo albums.

Anyway, Shari didn't miss much tonight - a dull evening of VH1 Classic. They play "alternative" videos on Sunday nights, so I caught videos from The Smiths, Concrete Blonde, Love and Rockets, Echo & the Bunnymen and The Damned. Hopefully she'll be back for a longer visit later this summer.

Recently, there has been a flurry of reunions with the people who mean the most to me and live far away. Toni, Rachel and Shari all in the span of about a month. Cool. I feel special.

1 comment:

s. said...

clearly, the importance of cheesebuttons gets lost on you! ha! i'm sorry i woke you and sorry i was caught up in the making of the cheese buttons. (i took photos for you.) speaking of byron, did you know his brother sid