Monday, May 22

They're Gone

Rachel, Darius, Tess and baby Josie were briefly back in Bismarck this afternoon before they caught a flight to Oregon, just long enough to sift through some more boxes of clothes, do a load of laundry, eat chinese take-out and take some pictures. It was so nice to see them, and so nice of them to make a stop in Bismarck. It was a whirlwind visit, but we'll take what we can get since they live overseas.

If a person can have a best friend in the world, Rachel is that for me. I'm so glad we have been able to stay close for so long - I met her 20 years ago! - despite the fact that we've lived in the same town, at the same time, for only a few months, back in the late 1980's. I have so many great memories, but even better are the memories I look forward to making in the future. She's the best kind of person, and I'm honored to be her friend.

I just wish we'd stop having to say goodbye all the time. (sniff)

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