Tuesday, August 22

Back To The Grind

Fall semester started at BSC today. I was physically prepared for class, with a new skirt, copies of my syllabi in hand and my first-day speech brushed up, but it was mentally hard to get back in the groove. It's been a really good summer, relaxed and fun. I'm not ready for that to end. It was even harder for Connor, who has gotten used to me being around every day and wouldn't let go of me when I hugged him goodbye. He even ran down the sidewalk waving/crying as I drove away. HEARTBREAKING.

At least my classes went well. The 12:00 class even got my sense of humor, except for that one gal with the thick, black liquid eyeliner that made her eyes into slits. She was barely tolerating me, even rolled her eyes a couple of times. I almost laughed out loud. You won't intimidate me, you catty, slitty-eyed little waif!!

Ah well. Another semester of exposing a few young minds to the joys of grammar, punctuation, and a well-turned phrase.


Anonymous said...

hi michele,
it's dawn. your post made me laugh out loud today :) i'm currently reading "eats, shoots and leaves" and can't help but think of you when i pick it up. how good it is to know the world has such literature-loving, astute grammarians such as you.

welcome to a new school year! hope to see you sometime soon.

Michele said...

"astute grammarian" - Love that!