Wednesday, August 30

R.I.P. Deadwood

Goodbye to one of our favorite shows. HBO aired the last episode of Deadwood on Sunday night. For those not familiar, Deadwood is a series about the early, lawless days of the mining camp that became the city of Deadwood, South Dakota. Since the show is loaded with violence and foul language, it may surprise some to hear that I love the show. For some people, those elements are reason enough to watch, but that is only part of it. The characters are vibrant and interesting. The acting is superb. There is history, intrigue, suspense, and a lot of humor.

My favorite part of the show is the way it was written and the use of language - sort of antiquated and formal. I don't know if it accurately depicts the usage of the time, but it was very funny once I got the hang of it.


Anonymous said...

i love deadwood! i'm watching season 2 (thanks to netflix) right now. so far i prefer season 1, mostly because calamity jane had a much bigger role. but this season is slowly beginning to grow on me. funny how we always end up enjoying the same shows! s.

Anonymous said...

i've been equating the language of deadwood to shakespeare. not the foul nature of it, but the formality. it really is fantastic.