Saturday, August 5

She's A Maniac, Maniac On The Floor

You semi-regular readers (both of you) may have noticed that I've been absent for awhile. That's because I've been absent for awhile. I left Wednesday morning for our annual Just For Kix Directors Convention in Minnesota. This year we were in St. Cloud, where they've built a beautiful new studio. The convention is always really fun because it's the only time I get to see some of the JFK gals I've made friends with over the years. We also get to do some bargain shopping on dance gear from the JFK catalog.

The convention consists of large group presentations and four smaller break-out workshops. We can choose from several workshop options, including discussion and active sessions. Since I'm a Dancing Fool, I chose an active session all four times, and not just the easy, low-impact little kid dances. I chose the hardest one every time. I went there to DANCE, and besides, I can learn the easy ones off the video. It's way more fun to tackle the tough ones in person. However, I'm not one of the young ones anymore, and I had to work harder than in the past to keep up. I LOVE to dance, and it is a total rush to work up difficult choreography like that.

Anyway, the upshot of all that overachieving is that my right quad, ham, and glut are very angry at me now. They are refusing to obey my brain's command. A few days of Advil and maybe a good massage ought to placate them.

Tomorrow I'll post the really big news about convention. Stay tuned...

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