Friday, August 18

Pikes and Flying Fish

The boys did a two-week session of swimming lessons, which wrapped up on Thursday. They both had a very good experience. Dylan has had plenty of lessons and swims very well, but this was Connor's first time. Dylan's instructor was one of the best he's ever had. She was in the water with the kids the whole time, and gave hands-on instruction on stroke technique. Plus, she was enthusiastic and fun.

Connor came a long way in this one session of lessons. The first day he hung on the edge of the pool with just his legs in the water. Look at him now!

He still prefers to stay extremely vertical in the water, but it was so neat to see his progress. On the last couple of days, he even was blowing bubbles a little bit. Maybe now it won't be so traumatic when I splash water on his face in the tub.

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