Wednesday, April 12


I teach a class at Bismarck State College called Composition Lab, in which I attempt, most of the time successfully, to instruct my students in grammar, punctuation, and usage. I try to use catchy sayings or quotations to help them remember things. Sometimes it comes off as clever, but mostly it comes off as corny. That's fine with me. I'm getting to the age where I don't care so much anymore, and it's fun to be that wacky teacher who sings songs from Schoolhouse Rock. ("Conjunction Junction, what's your function? Hookin' up words and phrases and clauses.")

Anyway, today we were talking about pronouns and using object pronouns in prepositional phrases. I like to sing "Just Between You And Me" by April Wine to illustrate this. I've used this example and sung this song to my students for several years, but I haven't actually heard the song since couples-skate at Wheel-a-While in the early 80's. On the way home from work, I HEARD THIS SONG ON THE RADIO. What a coincidence! Honestly, it was a little spooky.

Add to that: in last night's crossword puzzle, 32 down was "A desert relief." Answer:

1 comment:

s. said...

you can always count on Y-93 to play the hits we heard at wheel-a-while. ahh, the memories. the joy when we were allowed to stay for the second session... the candy at the concession stand... the cute dj's... the couple skates. rest in peace, wheel-a-while. rest in peace.