Wednesday, April 5

Spring Has Sprung

Spring arrived this week here, and it's dee-lovely! Dee-lightful! Dee-licious! I knew it was coming because the geese started flying over about three weeks ago. Now my irises are popping up, the trees are budding, and the sun is shining.

Today it got up to the low 70's, so I opened the windows for the first time this season. The house was filled with that damp, earthy smell of spring and the sounds of lawn mowers buzzing, children playing and birds chirping. Opening the windows also brought in the dust, but it was worth it. After school, we played on the swingset and de-barked twigs with rocks.

Spring sometimes brings flooding to the Red River Valley, and I feel for them right now, but it's beautiful here in the Missouri Valley. I know the winters are long and harsh in the Northern Plains (except for this year), but it makes spring that much sweeter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it looks loveley! and the boys look like they're just as happy for spring as you!