Thursday, August 10

John Edwards For President?

Last night, Rift played a Democratic Party fund-raiser that featured an appearance by possible presidential candidate John Edwards. The event was a backyard barbeque attended by only about 100 people. I assume they were of the "deep pockets" type. Anyway, the band played for a bit, then jumped offstage and had their picture taken with Edwards. Brad said Edwards gave a pretty good speech, mingled a bit, and ended up spending around an hour there.

You may notice Brad's new look in this pic. About a month ago, I buzzed his hair and he got his ears pierced. Why pierce his ears now?? His mother had always disapproved, and it took him this long to get up the guts to go against his mother's wishes. I told him that he's 38 years old, and if he wants his ears pierced, he's allowed.


Anonymous said...

very cool! did edwards get all sweaty? he was in the twin cities the other day and the tv station showed him wearing a blue denim shirt like that and he was sweating right through it. this link might work...

Anonymous said...

oops. that clip doesn't show the sweat. i'll try and find one that does. sorry.