Wednesday, August 16

Lone Lily

We bought our current house in March 2000. One of the first things I did in the yard was to dig up an ugly little bush and plant some lily bulbs there instead. I remember this vividly because Dylan was 18 months old and clung to me constantly, making the job much harder than it otherwise could have been.

Those bulbs did NOTHING for a few years. Then two small shoots sprouted in the spring of 2004, but they didn't produce any flowers. Last year the same two shoots came up, and a few blooms appeared. I'd forgotten what color they were supposed to be.

This year we got two sprouts and several blooms. Progress!

And here a couple shots of some petunias and impatiens that I managed to keep alive all summer. It's so nice to have some color in the yard. (Sorry - it was getting dark when I took these.)

I don't have a green thumb, so this was a small miracle, especially considering the brutally dry summer we've had. Everything I know about gardening I learned from Irene. I wonder what greenery she's got going in Manhattan?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

remember the raspberry bush outside your old house? mmmm. berries. if only i had a brother that grew beans or peas in his backyard...