Sunday, August 27

Sniffle, Cough, Wheeze

This poor child. I took him to an allergy/asthma specialist this week to see if we can improve his quality of life. Connor has had allergies, asthma, and eczema since he was about 18 months old. We've finally gotten pretty good about managing the asthma by staying on top of his breathing treatments, but he usually seems pretty miserable anyway.

Dr. Piyamahunt ordered three tests. The first was an allergy scratch test. They put drops of allergens on his back, then scratch the spots and wait for 15 minutes to see if he reacts. They tested for 25 allergens, and he reacted to all of them! Trees, grass, weeds, molds, dogs, cats, dust mites. That pretty much explains why he suffers practically year-round.

The second test was a CAT scan of his sinuses, which showed he has a massive sinus infection.

The third test was a pulmonary test, which showed that he has reduced lung function due to asthma.

The doc wrote a book of prescriptions and sent us home with a pile of meds. Connor is now taking:
An antibiotic for the infection
A steriod for inflamed bronchial tubes

Other things to do: dust frequently, wash bedding weekly, vaccuum daily, use an air purifier, and remove carpet in his bedroom. I feel bad because I'm not the most fastidious housekeeper, which probably hasn't helped him.

I really, really hope he can get some relief. Imagine how his life would change if he could breathe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dr. piyamayahunamaya was my allergist as well. he told me the same thing; vacuum every day, put plastic covers on my bed (would help, too, if i began wetting the bed. score duo!)... i wonder if part of it isn't merely for upselling product. regardless, i hope the medications help the big C feel better.