Monday, August 7

Tooting My Own Horn

When I got home from my long weekend away at Just For Kix Convention, here is what greeted me:

And congratulations truly were in order. At the banquet, I was announced as this year's Director of the Year! This is a very big deal in my company, a true honor. I was completely shocked and moved to be chosen. It really makes me feel appreciated for what I've put into JFK - tons of energy, time, and hard work over the years. I have a passion for dance, and it's great to be able to work in the field.

The 2005-06 season was my 10th, so I also was recognized for 10 years of service, which is another big deal. I received a really nice JFK logo watch. Overall, it was a big night for me. Being a teacher, coach, and mentor to young people is so rewarding. Here's a nice quote from convention that sums it up:

One hundred years from now
It will not matter what my bank account was,
the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...
but the world may be different because
I was important in the life of a child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations, my friend! that's wonderful news! i'm glad you've been recognized. you deserve it!